Mazzi-Inc. Company Profiler

Culture eats strategy for breakfast, but not if they are well aligned. 

Once you have developed your company’s strategy - a challenging task in itself - you can begin aligning it with your company’s culture; how and why things are done around here. If you decide that your company’s culture needs refining, it’s crucial to know where to start and what to leave untouched. After all, no culture has ever successfully adapted to support a new strategy without the involvement of its company members. To facilitate this, Mazzi-Inc. has developed a comprehensive culture scan, based on thorough research, that presents how your colleagues perceive key dimensions in your organisation. These dimensions include workplace respect, working across differences, leveraging different perspectives, voice and influence, structure (accommodation, processes ICT) , employee journey, organisational fairness and leadership commitment. It goes without saying that anonymity and data security are guaranteed!