We boost your organisation’s performance by aligning your strategy (the competitive way you create value that your clients are prepared to pay for) with your culture – (how and why things are done around here). We realise this change through consultancy, coaching and training. Our programmes are designed to foster lasting behavioural change. 

Our training programmes

These days, professionals often find themselves in unfamiliar and frequently changing situations. In these situations, they have to form relationships, build trust, communicate, and collaborate with individuals who have very different values, beliefs and behaviour patterns. The skillset required to do this is what we call intercultural competence. 

In our coaching and training programmes, we balance cultural learning with cultural agility. Cultural learning is your ability to quickly and accurately detect and interpret situational cues and cultural patterns, consisting of norms, values, beliefs, behaviour and symbols. Cultural agility is your ability to respond comfortably and effectively to these cues and patterns with appropriate behaviour and behavioural strategies. Together, they form your Cultural Intelligence.

Gaining intercultural competence is a continuous process that progresses through several stages of development, rather than being a one-time event or experience. That’s why our training programmes consist not only of classroom sessions, but also of on-the-job assignments, and peer-to-peer learning.

Our consultancy approach

The saying goes, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”. However, we believe it’s more useful to view your strategy and culture as operating in tandem, driving both competitive superiority and employee retention.

First, we guide you and your team in co-creating a common understanding of your organisation’s purpose and business performance goals. We then work together to align your organisation’s culture: ‘how and why things are done around here’ in terms of climate, leadership and structures. 

Culture is not a static set of values and behaviours; it requires ongoing care and maintenance from its members to remain aligned. Together with you and your team, we set up periodic measurements and frameworks for communication, collaboration, and exchanging feedback. This approach ensures you maintain the balance between psychological safety and high organisational performance.